Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Coming to terms with the "before" and "after" of a double mastectomy

So not much has been happening on this end… Its a matter of just waiting and letting things settle. Going to be honest though, I was not expecting these expanders to be as horrible as what they are. It is 6 weeks post op today and I still am on cocktails drugs (only predominantly paracetamol and ibuprofen) but still a lot of it! I still have too much fluid on one side so have yet to have my first "fill" into them so still sitting at the standard 100cc… Honestly loving not having the hassle of boobs!! My other breast had mild rippling of the overlying muscle so just waiting and letting things settle. We are hoping after the Easter Bunny visits we may be able to inflate them mildly than start thinking towards the second surgery.

Its not all bad though. I am able to slightly lay on my stomach now which is a HUGE bonus! I stack pillows up in front of me and can now somehow get to sleep! YEW! I have woken up a couple of times though with my arms way to high and this horrible burning sensation rips through my scars. I have had to ask Rod to make sure I was still in one piece on more then one occasion. The other weird sensation that I have also seen mentioned on one of our chat rooms is the nipple sensation… You know ladies when you walk into a cold room and uumm… well… everything stands up! That is a weird sensation to have when you don't have nipples!!!!

It has always been my intention with this blog to be as honest as possible, including posting images of surgical scars and updates. However with almost 10, 000 views on this blog you can image I have been a bit overwhelmed to post photos of my boobs…. or foobs… or at this stage lack of either just in case they were taken in the wrong context!! In the lead up to my surgeries it was however photos of post op scars that lead me to my decision. Seeing what other women had been through was not only empowering but very educational. I learnt quickly what to expect and although it is difficult waking up and seeing the lack of tissue on your chest, at least you have a vague idea what is coming.

So... to not offend people, to not let you miss out on these updates without having these images daunting you, but to still give those who really need to see these images, the opportunity is here. If you follow the link below it should take you to a photo bucket library with images before, 1 day post op, 1 week post op and 4 weeks post op.

Password is foobs25


As above I am only sharing these to help others who are facing this journey and NEED these images. I strangely have no attachment to the before photos now. I feel as if they are just images and nothing more.

I have met so many people by making this journey so public and love hearing your own journeys. I have met so many through pink hope, as well as the BRCA support groups around the world. I feel so blessed to be able of so many lives and help educate/ support others in making this decision.

On a slightly different note, I took the opportunity to fly to Adelaide to graduate from my masters degree whilst I have been unable to work. It was a wonderful experience to wear a gown and hat again… however I think I can hear my PHD calling!!??!!
